
Agiles@BsAs - Lean Visualisation Tools - Australian Yellow Pages Experience

Tuesday 3 December 2013, 22:30 - 23:30

Rivadavia 1479 1er Piso, Buenos Aires, Argentina

En la reunión de diciembre, tendremos el agrado de contar nuevamente con Cheryl Quirion, quien nos seguirá contando sobre sus experiencias laborales con equipos de trabajo en Australia:
Cheryl Quirion has returned to Buenos Aires from Australia for a few months. She will share her recent experiences developing new concepts and tools that were used to introduce Lean Startup techniques into the Australian Yellow Pages company - Sensis.  
Most public companies like Sensis have a need for governance and close monitoring of their funding and budgets. While "hypothesis-driven development" emphasised in Lean Startup practises provides a great method to ensure we are building the "right thing" we also need to have holistic processes to monitor the performance of one or more projects. At Sensis, we introduced a companion "evidence-based funding" model based on Lean Startup principles. 

"Evidence-based funding" requires a longer term plan. Therefore a new visualisation tool (called the Visual Business Case) was created to provide milestones and checkpoints for continued funding based on evidence from experiments. We will work through how these new tools and techniques were developed and applied - and why!

IMPORTANTE: la charla será en inglés.

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Published by: Miquel Camps