
Agile-Barcelona Meetup - Climbing the Self-Management Mountain Range

Thursday 6 June 2019, 19:00 - 20:00

Avenida Diagonal, 177 (2 planta). Edificio Imagina., Barcelona, España

Self-management may mean different things to different teams depending, among others, on the scope in which they are being self-managed. I’ll give you an example. In Scrum we say that teams are self-organised, but what does that mean? • Does it mean that they can distribute tasks among team members as they find appropriate? Sure. • Does it mean they can decide on how to take a vacation? Maybe. • Does it mean they can decide how to increase the salary of someone within the team? Eeeeh, What? For me, it is like climbing mountains, it can be nice and healthy but also tough and dangerous. Not something for everybody. The higher you wanna go, the more experience you need. I will present a model that simplifies this very complex topic and help managers, coaches and leaders in their approach to self-management and delegation. As in climbing, which peaks you should climb first, what to expect in each phase and where to go next. - Toni Rodríguez Lezcano (https://www.linkedin.com/in/lezka/), 18 years in the software industry and for the last 6 years, worked as Agile coach. Travelled 95 countries and loves sharing experiences with others.

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Published by: Betabeers